Ten Ways to Make Today Happier

The key to enjoying motherhood lies in the everyday, little moments. If you’re looking to add some extra joy into your life, you’re not alone. This list will give you some free and easy ideas that you can do today.

Here are ten simple ways you can make today a happier, better day:

  1. Have a Delicious Breakfast

Or a particularly good cup of coffee. You don’t have to make something fancy or indulgent. Just put in a little extra effort to start your day with a nourishing & enjoyable meal.

  1. Reach Out to an Old Friend

Send a message to someone that’s been on your mind. Say hello and ask how they’ve been. We all have people that we think about but don’t have the time to talk to. Make it a priority to reconnect.

  1. Delight in the Little Things

When your children are self-entertained, take a moment to watch them for no other reason than to appreciate them in their current stage. Appreciate the way they talk and move. Notice the little things that make them so very special. 

  1. Make Happy Plans

Has it been weeks (or months) since your last date night? Would you enjoy a pedicure with your best friend? Are you ready to plan for your next vacation? Whatever you need, choose a date, mark your calendar, and make it happen. Give yourself something to look forward to.

  1. De-clutter a Small Space

Is there a highly visible spot in your house that seems to accumulate junk? Take a few minutes to put everything away where it belongs. It’s productive and you’ll feel better each time you look there.

  1. Watch a Childhood Favorite

 Find a show or movie that you enjoyed watching as a kid. With all of the streaming services, you’re guaranteed to find a gem you’ve forgotten about! Enjoy it with your kids and laugh at how much things have changed.

  1. Give a Compliment

If you see something that you like, say something! Instead of just complimenting material things, (like saying “cute blouse”) compliment someone’s actions or attributes. This can be more meaningful! For example: “Cute blouse! You have great style!”

  1. Read a Book

Crack open that book you’ve been wanting to read or finish. If you don’t have the time to sit, get an audiobook! Audible is a great choice, but your library card can give you access to free e-books and audiobooks!

  1. Do it Outside

Take something that you normally do inside, but take it outdoors! Do school or homework outside with the kids. Eat dinner on the deck. Enjoy a glass of wine under the stars before bed. Everyone benefits from a little sunshine and vitamin D. 

  1. Take a Nap

Just kidding! I imagine anyone reading this doesn’t have the luxury of a midday snooze. If you do, take advantage of that opportunity! The rest of us should try to go to bed a little early, though. A good night’s sleep can make any day better.

If you enjoyed these ten simple ways to make today happier, follow me on Instagram @a.happy.mom.blog! I share insights into finding more joy in motherhood and homeschooling.