Homeschooling & The Great Outdoors

We started homeschooling outdoors because my kids have never been big fans of sitting still. They’d rather be running, hopping, climbing, spinning—anything but staying put. While I love my kids’ boundless energy, it can make schoolwork challenging. Like any frustrated homeschool mom, I began researching tips and tricks to bring my energetic kids to the table for learning. After some trial and error, I found one magical thing that helps my kids settle and focus: being outside.

homeschooling outdoors homeschooling outside kids doing schoolwork outside

I started by simply prioritizing outdoor play every single day. The kids ran around the backyard. We ate meals on the deck. We visited our local parks and playgrounds more often. The effects on my kids were immediate. They seemed much more grounded on days when we spent lots of time outside. With this in mind, we began doing our schoolwork outdoors when the weather was nice. We all fell in love. Homeschooling outdoors has become a great joy for our family.

Spending more time outside offers extensive benefits for kids and moms alike. Research shows that spending time outdoors improves our well-being, reduces stress, and boosts our mood. It also encourages physical activity, which improves our overall health. A child playing outside is likely to walk, run, and move more than a child playing indoors. Being outside with your kids also creates opportunities for family bonding. A child will never remember their best day sitting on the couch, but they will remember their favorite outdoor adventure with their family!

We know that playing outside is great, but how is being outside helpful for homeschooling? Well, all that sunshine and movement translate to better concentration and focus. Expending energy helps kids regulate their bodies and minds so that they’re better prepared for learning. The outdoors also boost creative thinking and problem-solving skills. Kids will engage their minds in more creative ways as they explore the unpredictable environment of nature.

And if your kids do their schoolwork outside? The sunshine, sights, and sounds are pleasant and less distracting than many indoor environments. When the kids need a break, they can climb trees, catch bugs, run, and dig. Even during breaks, they’ll be learning through play! Whether you can actually do schoolwork outside or not, spending more time outside will benefit your homeschool day.

And if your kids do their schoolwork outside? The sunshine, sights, and sounds are pleasant and less distracting than many indoor environments. When the kids need a break, they can climb trees, catch bugs, run, and dig. Even during breaks, they’ll be learning through play! Whether you can actually do schoolwork outside or not, spending more time outside will benefit your homeschool day.

homeschooling outdoors homeschooling outside kids reading in a hammock

Here are five ways to add more time outside into your homeschool day:

  1. Start with a Walk
    Before doing any schoolwork, take a quick walk outside together to get the mood-boosting benefits of sunshine and exercise.
  2. Read Aloud Outside
    Whether it’s for a core subject or simply for fun, take a blanket and some books outside and read in the shade. We also love reading in our hammocks!
  3. Restrict Screens
    Limit screen use until schoolwork is complete and the kids have played outside. They’re more likely to enjoy the outdoors if they experience it before getting that easy screen dopamine.
  4. Enjoy Meals Al Fresco
    Take mealtime outside for some fresh air and vitamin D. Don’t overthink it—simply cook as you normally do and find a spot outside to eat together! If you don’t have a place in your backyard, packing some peanut butter sandwiches and heading to your favorite park will do.
  5. Encourage Creativity
    To inspire exploration, try outdoor scavenger hunts, outdoor art activities, or nature journaling. Give your children plenty of opportunities for unstructured playtime outdoors, too!
  6. Create and Outdoor Learning Space
    Put together a space to play and homeschool outdoors! Start with a picnic table, a basket for carrying homeschool supplies outside, and some fun items like a slack line, hammock, or sensory swing!
Our Outdoor Homeschool Space
Our Outdoor Homeschool Space

Looking for more ideas for spending time outside? Check out this blog post: 10 Activities to Spend More Time Outside & Encourage Family Bonding

Homeschooling gives us the freedom to spend our days as we please. One of the greatest benefits of that is allowing our children to explore and move their bodies as they’re meant to. Giving our kids the time and space to be outdoors is one of the greatest gifts of homeschooling.

This post contains affiliate links from Amazon and Outree. We have used and enjoyed all of the items listed and I am happy to provide detailed information on each item through Instagram messenger.