Get Outside

Homeschooling & The Great Outdoors

We started homeschooling outdoors because my kids have never been big fans of sitting still. They’d rather be running, hopping, climbing, spinning—anything but staying put. While I love my kids’ boundless energy, it can make schoolwork challenging. Like any frustrated homeschool mom, I began researching tips and tricks to bring my energetic kids to the …

10 Activities to Spend More Time Outside & Encourage Family Bonding

Motherhood got so much easier when I started prioritizing time outside. When the kids are bouncing off the walls, take away the walls. Kids need fresh air, space to move, and time to explore nature. On the days when we spend a few hours outside, my kids get along with each other better, have fewer …

Tips & A New Resource for Summer Adventures

It’s officially get outside, take a fieldtrip, homeschool-anywhere-but home season! I have some tips & a wonderful new fieldtrip journal to help you enjoy for summer! The year’s studies are coming to can end and the weather is warming. It’s time to get out of the house and enjoy time with your kids! Here are …

Twenty Spring Nature Activities to Get your Kids Outside!

Imagine this. You’re in full hibernation mode. The weather has been too cold for the kids to want to play outside. They’ve started unearthing toys from the depths of the closets and sibling bickering is at an all-time high. There are stray Lego blocks in every corner of your home. You’ve run out of clever …

Enjoy Hiking With Your Kids: How to Get Started

It’s no secret that motherhood is most enjoyable when we spend more time outside. It is essential to our well-being and has tremendous benefits. Hiking is a wonderful way to explore nature and bond with your children.  However, it can be overwhelming to start hiking with kids. Following these five steps will help ensure that …