Homeschool Supplies: A Complete List

Homeschooling gives parent’s educational freedom. Rather than following the curriculum outlined by traditional schools, parents are able to provide a personalized education that is tailored to their children’s needs, interests, and learning styles. As you prepare for this wonderful undertaking, there is a lot to consider and prepare for. It is normal to feel overwhelmed with all of the choices! One thing you don’t need to feel overwhelmed with? What supplies do you need to homeschool your kiddos! This blog post will help you determine what supplies you need to be an effective homeschool teacher. 

When we first knew that we were going to homeschool our eldest, I was so excited. I was eager to set-up our homeschool and start teaching my toddler. I bought an abundance of art supplies, cool educational toys, and countless books. The Amazon packages were piling up as I started building our collection of resources. I definitely went overboard, especially since he was only a preschooler! While some of the purchases were wonderful and useful, others became untouched clutter. That’s why I’ve compiled a homeschool supply list that breaks down what is essential, what is helpful, and what is fun to have! 

You can download the complete printable list of homeschool supplies to use a checklist as you begin this journey. 


You may be tempted to start with buying a curriculum. It seems like the most essential item! However, learning your homeschool style and researching curriculum can take time. As a new homeschool mom, you may not have a clear vision of what you plan to teach or how to teach it. You may not know how your child will learn best. That’s okay! You truly don’t need a curriculum when starting out and some families avoid it all together. You have time to figure out what works best for your family. 

That’s why I consider a library card, internet connection, and a printer to be the most essential items for your homeschool. 

With the internet, a printer, and a library card, you have access to tons of free resources. You’ll have the ability to print-off worksheets and coloring pages, watch educational videos, and read wonderful books. With these supplies, you’ll be able to provide educational resources for your children no matter your budget, homeschool style, or curriculum choice. 


When homeschooling, your child will need basic school supplies. They’ll need paper, pencils, and art supplies. The essential school supplies are the ones that we use almost daily. You cannot go wrong with having these items on-hand in your home! 

  • Pencils
  • Pencil Sharpener
  • Erasers
  • College Rule or Handwriting Paper
  • Notebooks
  • Washable Markers
  • Crayons
  • Child Scissors
  • Dry Erase Board
  • Dry Erase Markers
  • Ruler
  • World and Country Maps

Next up, we have the helpful additions for your homeschool. These are items that’ll make your life easier and help enrich your child’s learning. You could do without them if money was tight, but they are nice to have. 


  • Reference Books
  • Pocket Folders
  • Watercolor Paint
  • Washable Paint
  • Paint Brushes
  • Construction Paper
  • Glue and Glue Sticks
  • Stapler
  • Post-it Notes
  • Calculator
  • Laminator
  • Backpack
  • Lunchbox or Cooler Bag


Staying organized is helpful in homeschooling. That’s why I recommend a planner, calendar, storage bins, folders, and caddies. While they’re not essential, they can make managing your to-do list, supplies, and completed work easier. You’ll need some way to manage plans and log your children’s learning. A physical planner and calendar can help with this, as can phone apps. 

Having designated space for your homeschool items can keep your home tidy and help maintain a pleasant learning environment. I have a rolling cart where I keep all of our daily-use school supplies, curriculum, and books. We have a few bookshelves dedicated to the kid’s books and a basket reserved for library books. Our additional supplies are stored in a simple cubby organizer. I keep three bins for paper. I have one for printed items that we plan to use, one for completed schoolwork, and another for artwork. This system works well for us, but you will determine what is needed for your family as you create your own learning space.

One thing to note is that I didn’t add desks to our school supply list. While they may be helpful for some families, we don’t have the space or the desire for desks in our homeschool! We simply use the furniture we already have.


Once you’ve acquired the essential items to homeschool, you can decide what fun additions you wish to utilize. This is where your homeschool style and your family’s unique needs will shine through! These items will help enrich your homeschool experience. While suitable for any age, my list of fun additions is built with younger children in mind. I incorporated items that can take learning out of the workbook. With all of these items on hand, you’ll be able to do tons of active and hands-on learning. 

  • Visual Timer
  • Board Games
  • Dice
  • Dry Erase Sleeves
  • Beads
  • String
  • Letters (Magnetic, Wooden, or Beads)
  • Stickers
  • Magnetic Rod
  • Child’s Tablet or Laptop
  • Puzzles
  • Tangram Shapes
  • Sports Gear
  • Painter’s Tape
  • Clipboard
  • Play Clock
  • Magnifying Glass 
  • Activity Trays
  • Open Ended Toy
  • Specific Educational Toys
  • Microscope
  • Binoculars
  • Telescope
  • Kid’s Activity Subscriptions (like KiwiCo, Snack Crate, Little Passports, Kids Art Box, etc.)
  • Membership to Children’s Museum

There are so many ways to provide a tailored education for your children. Homeschool supplies are one of the simple ways to customize their learning experience. Once you invest in a few items, you’ll be able to do so many educational activities with your kids. Just remember, you don’t need to have it all to get started! You definitely don’t need to spend beyond your budget to be effective in your new role. I’m so excited for you and your family as you begin this journey. Homeschooling is an incredible opportunity to learn and grow together.
