Why I’m Excited to Write a “Mommy Blog”

I want us all to enjoy motherhood more.  

I absolutely love being a stay-at-home mom. However, the challenges have surprised me. I always thought it would be so easy not having a job. To be honest, that part is great. I don’t have a commute, there are no pointless meetings, and I don’t have a boss to answer to. The problem I’ve been facing is the lack of mental stimulation. The boys and I have joined a local co-op, a hiking group, and a book club. We have the opportunity to do a lot of fun things together. Outside of that though, I cook, clean, do laundry, and change diapers.

There are so many little things to be done and none of them are particularly interesting. It’s work.

The past few years I have combated the monotony by listening to audio-books, the news, and podcasts. It worked for a while, but I’ve been getting the itch to actually do something. Starting an Instagram and blog felt like a good way to try something new, brush up on my marketing and technical skills, and make some friends along the way.

Also, writing is basically therapy.

As a stay-at-home mom, I often feel like I’m trapped in my head. I spend most of my days alone with my children. It’s also no secret that I love to talk. Writing gives me a way to express myself and make connections while I’m happily at home with my kids. Also, I’ve always loved writing because it helps me sort through my thoughts. Writing gives me a way to create without being interrupted by tiny humans. Have you ever had a conversation with a five year old and a two year old next to you? Climbing on you? Begging for their next snack? Seeking praise for their awesome new trick of jumping off the bookshelf they apparently just learned to climb? At its best, it’s amusing and at its worst, infuriating.

Sharing the things that are making us happy is helping me focus on the good. We’re doing more things together and I’m making more time for the things that I enjoy. Creating this site and Instagram is helping me explore my creativity. It’s giving me a way to connect with other moms.

I want to have something to create and share with other moms. Hopefully, something fun and useful.

My wish is that someone will read what I write, relate to it, and realize there are other women out there searching for something more. I hope to encourage moms to have fun, not only with their children, but for their own sake.

 It’s probably been 15 years since I last wrote into the abyss, but here I am. I have things to say and connections to make.